que faz um esguicho? esguicha!

23 outubro, 2006

Continuando no assunto das mangas e dos indianos, mas desta vez sem anões...

Então aqui bos deixo mais um post, não fugindo à temática que nos tem assolado.

Esta é uma história fantástica, binda da maior cena de produção cinematográfica do mundo - BOLLYWOOD.

Leiam atentamente o enredo que vale a pena:

Mahendra is a doctor circa British rule in India, who lives a comfortable life in a city in Bengal (which is now known as Bangla Desh). He is friendly with a young man, a bachelor named Behari. Both Mahendra and Behari are of marriage age, and do get a lot of proposals. One day they receive a proposal of a young woman named Binodini along with a photograph. Neither of them shows any interest nor even take a look at the photograph. They get news that Binodini has got married. Shortly thereafter, they receive another proposal without a photograph, for a young woman named Ashalata. Behari is asked to check her out for Mahendra - he ends up consenting to marry her, but subsequently let's Mahendra be the groom. A few months later Ashalata gets pregnant, and the family gets the news that Binodini has been widowed only after a year's marriage. Then things get complicated when Ashalata befriends Binodini - and both Mahendra and Behari get attracted to her - so much so that Mahendra is considering separating from his bride - and Behari separating from his bachelorhood - but both in quandary over the social taboo of marrying a widow - and of the present agitation aimed against the British to quit India.


At 11:00 da tarde, Blogger 1313 said...

... é lindo

At 12:36 da manhã, Blogger Rui said...

A manga pode ser uma questão de fé


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